You might have seen on my Instagram my little post gushing over this cauliflower soup recipe? Perhaps that’s even how you’ve landed on this page! This really is a go-er for allll the family. It’s dairy free (which we like), but creamy AF, a little bit crunchy and completely warming.

I’m loving soups for dinner at the moment; after what’s normally a pretty full on day of consultations or cooking for clients, if I’m totally honest, I just can’t face anything too complicated and this is literally bunging all the bits in a pan, stirring for a second, letting it simmer and getting it doon me!

Something I recommend to my clients a lot too is opting for soups and well cooked stews in the evenings as it’s much easier for our digestive systems to break down as half the work has already been done for us, so it’s a good way to ensure that nutrients are absorbed and you’re sleeping better, not going to bed on a full stomach!
So here ye go! Recipe below: